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Contoh:  pu: kylafood 

Untuk mencari berdasarkan nomor sertifikat ketik ns: no sertifikat
Contoh:  ns: ID00110001952860222 

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Contoh:  seblak original ns: ID00110001952860222 

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Produk  Halal Bersertifikat 

Menampilkan 1 sampai 20 dari 28
NoNama ProdukNomor SertifikatTanggal TerbitProdusen
1GRACE AND GLOW Amethyst Anti Dandruff ShampooID004100030686812222024-02-29PT. AYARA BEAUTY INDONESIA
2GRACE AND GLOW Bright & Glow Body SerumID004100003967806222024-12-30PT. NAYUE KOSMETIK INDONESIA
3GRACE AND GLOW Bright & Smooth Deodorant SerumID004100003967806222024-12-30PT. NAYUE KOSMETIK INDONESIA
4GRACE AND GLOW Brightening Solution Body WashID004100030686812222025-01-14PT. AYARA BEAUTY INDONESIA
5GRACE AND GLOW Daisy Hair Vitamin MistID004100030686812222024-02-29PT. AYARA BEAUTY INDONESIA
6GRACE AND GLOW Brightening Sun Body SerumID004100030686812222025-01-14PT. AYARA BEAUTY INDONESIA
7GRACE AND GLOW Daisy Hair Vitamin MistID004100003967806222024-12-30PT. NAYUE KOSMETIK INDONESIA
8GRACE AND GLOW English Pear and Freesia Acne Body SerumID004100003967806222024-12-30PT. NAYUE KOSMETIK INDONESIA
9GRACE AND GLOW English Pear and Freesia Anti Acne Solution Body WashID004100030686812222024-02-29PT. AYARA BEAUTY INDONESIA
10GRACE AND GLOW English Pear and Freesia Comfort DeodorantID004100003967806222024-12-30PT. NAYUE KOSMETIK INDONESIA
11GRACE AND GLOW English Pear and Freesia Comfort Deodorant SerumID004100003967806222024-11-12PT. NAYUE KOSMETIK INDONESIA
12GRACE AND GLOW Lavie Belle Sea Salt Scalp ScrubID004100030686812222024-02-29PT. AYARA BEAUTY INDONESIA
13GRACE AND GLOW Miss Moisture & Glow Body SerumID004100003967806222024-12-30PT. NAYUE KOSMETIK INDONESIA
14GRACE AND GLOW Miss Moisture & Glow Solution Body WashID004100030686812222024-02-29PT. AYARA BEAUTY INDONESIA
15GRACE AND GLOW Peony Blush Heat Care Hair MistID004100030686812222024-02-29PT. AYARA BEAUTY INDONESIA
16GRACE AND GLOW Peony Blush Heat Care Hair MistID004100003967806222024-12-30PT. NAYUE KOSMETIK INDONESIA
17GRACE AND GLOW Peony Blush Soft & Glow Body SerumID004100003967806222024-12-30PT. NAYUE KOSMETIK INDONESIA
18GRACE AND GLOW Peony Blush Soft & Glow Body WashID004100030686812222024-06-21PT. AYARA BEAUTY INDONESIA
19GRACE AND GLOW Rouge 540 Brightening Clay Body ScrubID004100003967806222024-12-30PT. NAYUE KOSMETIK INDONESIA
20GRACE AND GLOW Rouge 540 Glow & Firm Body SerumID004100003967806222024-12-30PT. NAYUE KOSMETIK INDONESIA
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